Squish’s Story

It is not uncommon for animals like Squish to walk through our door. A good Samaritan found Squish after it appeared he had been hit by a car and immediately brought him to the shelter. Squish appeared lifeless. He could not walk, and it was apparent one of his legs was badly injured. In addition to the leg, it was obvious Squish had severe internal trauma. 

Our director Greg Willey, rushed Squish to Northview Animal Clinic, in hopes there was a chance of his survival. The vet staff at Northview rushed Squish into emergency surgery. Squish quite literally had to have his insides put back into his body. In addition, Squish also had to have his back leg amputated. His chance of having a full recovery was touch and go for several days before we got the call that he could come back to the shelter. 

Squish resting peacefully in the hand of his foster.

Squish is one of the several miracles our shelter sees. All of these miracles are possible because of the support from people like you. Squish came back to the shelter, but still needed time to recover. He had a drain put in and is on medications for pain and prevention of infection. His foster is working on making Squish comfortable, learning about his personality traits, and preparing him for his forever home! 

Here is what Squish’s foster has to say about him:

“His recovery is going very well! He got his drainage tube out and the vet said he looked really good! Squish is actually able to hold himself up when using the potty now! Squish is extremely playful and loves cuddles! When I first brought him home I could turn around for half a second and he would be right where I left him. But now…. he runs! If I open his crate and go to grab a new pad, he runs out of his cage and takes off. If he wants pets and you stop petting him, he will meow and try to boop your hand to get your attention! He is a kitten who loves to be brushed too! I think that may be because he hasn’t quite figured out how to groom his back and lower body yet. Squish loves cuddling with his giant teddy bear and is eager to start playing with other cats/kittens!”


Friendship APL

Friendship APLWe are a private, independent, non-profit humane society founded in Elyria, Ohio. We proudly own and operate the largest animal shelter in Lorain County.

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