Adoption 101
Volunteers who would like to assist the staff with adoptions must accumulate 25 hours of service and must attend a class to learn the adoption policies and procedures, as well become familiar with how to guide customers in finding the perfect pet for their family. If you have earned the 25 hours of volunteer service and would like to be notified of the next adoption class, please contact us via email.
Dog Walking 101
During Dog Walking 101 volunteers learn safety rules, learn about canine body language and see a demonstration of how to remove and return a dog to their kennel. Before the class ends volunteers actually walk dogs and become “official dog-walkers.” After completion, volunteers may return to walk dogs whenever the shelter is open. Everyone who completes Dog Walking 101 qualifies to join the dog walking clubs: Muttley Crew on Wednesday & Friday, and the Best Friends Walk, which is a Saturday morning pack walk.
Dog Care 101
Volunteers receive hands-on training on the kennel cleaning process. Only adult volunteers may handle the chemicals used to clean kennels. Youth volunteers may assist with other aspects of the kennel care. Volunteers are encouraged to select and commit to one or two mornings that fit their schedule.
Foster Care 101
Volunteers who either express an interest or who already have experience providing foster care are asked to complete a Foster Care Application. A meeting will be scheduled to discuss policies and procedures for fostering Friendship APL animals. Volunteers become part of a group of volunteers who work together with the staff to share information and to provide support during the foster care placement.
Cat Care
Volunteers interested in working with cats – please contact us via email.
Volunteer Orientation
In order to become a volunteer, you must attend one of our orientations which are held the second Saturday of every month from 10:00am to 12 noon. Please print and complete both pages of the appropriate application and bring it with you to your orientation:
Please call the shelter at 440.322.4321 or contact us via email.